Join the waitlist for the upcoming Upskill HR program and elevate your expertise to drive organizational success.
HR professionals are the architects of organizational growth
They shape culture, manage talent, and align workforce strategies with business goals. In a world where HR is increasingly strategic and technology-driven, the demand for skilled professionals is higher than ever. With the rise of trends like AI in HR, hybrid work models, and skills-based hiring, now is the time to future-proof your HR career.
Join Telerik Academy's newest Upskill HR program. Learn from top Bulgarian HR leaders and experts as you enhance your skills in just three months. Gain practical, actionable insights to take your HR career to the next level.
Under the mentorship of experts, you’ll gain practical skills via real-world projects and challenges. Everything you learn, you can apply immediately.
Upon program completion, you will have:
Your career after the HR Upskill
Advance into strategic roles with greater influence in your organization
Confidently tackle core HR functions and lay the foundation for career growth.
Lead transformational initiatives and shape impactful workforce strategies
Program format
3 months; you can combine the program with your job or studies
2-3 evenings per week, 3 hours per session, online
6+ hrs/week plus self-prep time and optional team consultation
January 2025
Meet your lead trainer
Full-stack Data Scientist, UBS, Lecturer
With 10 years of experience, Pavlin Mavrodiev has walked the way from academia to industry and has built his career in data science. Currently a Full-Stack Data Scientist at the leading bank in Switzerland, UBS, Pavlin has also held various positions as a data engineer (with the first version of Spark), technology head in a crypto-currency start-up, CTO, and data science lead. With his broad technology knowledge and hands-on data engineering and data science experience in some of the largest corporations in Switzerland, Pavlin is well suited to teaching and guiding our students in their career development. Pavlin holds a PhD in modelling complex systems from ETH Zurich and is still passionate about teaching. He is an external lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts, where he teaches "Modern Data Engineering" with Apache Kafka.
Аdvance your career with Telerik Academy: Upskill for the future
For 15+ years, we've honed our programs to provide the highest quality and hands-on experience possible. Accelerate your career in 3 months instead of years on your own or with other courses.
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